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I have been thinking about this for a while now, bringing some of my best freinds onto this site as an author. Here are the people I have in mind...
Probably not all of them.
- Sniker
- Angry13
- Klarisa (not sure)
- Guguzi
- Hardstyle4ever
- Monkee
- {$}Chobot{$}
- William
- Epic
- Basia
- Narutofireninja
- Rofroze

I think I might have a few more but I am not sure... anywayz you guyz rock sooo much!! Hope u like the pics... (Sorry They have my names all over it and stuff its to stop people stealing my pictures) but the top one is name free so enjoy!

How to Join Fishalate's Gang!
To Join Fishalate's Gang all you need to do is leave a comment saying "I Would Like to Join"
But Read the Rules First!
1. Be Nice to Other People on chobots... Follow the Chobots Rules.
Do not swear, Do not Scam, Do not date and Do not Spam! RESPECT OTHERS
2. Visit my site http://chobotsnews42.blogspot.com/ Daily to find out the latest Chobots Updates!
3. Visit my chat every now and again http://xat.com/HeyFishalate and chat to other people that use chobots.
4. Help New people in chobots... show them around.
5. Be a Team!... If you see someone being mean to another chobot decide which one is being mean and report him...
If you leave a comment, you are agreeing to these rules and you are now in Fishalate's Gang.