Hey Chobots!
New Citizen Items Have Just Been Released, Here They Are:
A Cool Winter Hat for 1 Month, A Present Bag for 6 Months,
And a Bear Costume for 1 Year! ;)
... That Present Bag looks Kewl. :P

Hey Chobots!
New Citizen Items Have Just Been Released, Here They Are:
Hey Everyone!! Guess what? .. It's 2010!!!
That seemed Like a Pretty Fast Year, Don't You Think? ;)
To all viewers of this blog,
I would like to say that im quitting chobots and im quitting blogging thanks everyone!
And I did not cheat on the poll:(
welll first of all i would like to say congratz 2 the new agents make sure u do the right thing ::))
but the main thing i have to say is on the agents post hiki mentioned plutonio our fellow friend cheated on the agent poll and i believe it got him banned well thats what katya told me. now personally i dont beleive he cheated but then hiki has power to read who voted for who so plutonio may of cheated but i think it waz just because he was so eager to learn about agents
so good lukc with future
Hey Everyone!
Long time no see... :P
I've been trying to catch Up on posting ... Looks like its not going well. ^_^
Looks like Chobots its almost about to reach 1-5-0-0 Followers!! :P
Keep inviting Your buddys, And remember to tell them to Follow The blog!
Hello Chobots:)
It's time to meet your new head moderator of fishgang
It's katya!
CONGRATULATIONS! Now katya can do everything on this blog she can add widgets and do everything;)
good luck katya:)
Hey chobots! Chobots was not working
cuz the mods were making something.
Wanna know what it is??? ;) Wizard
items!!! Lol sorry its for citizens :P
They are cool. there are only 4 wizard
items but there will be more soon and
some for non-citizens too ;)
1. Go to the magic shop
2. You will see a wizard on the left
standing on a little green chair
3. click him and there will be a book
where u can buy the wizard items.
Lol. the items are cool but they
are all for citizens ;P
PS: When you buy a wizard item you will find a little button on the Bottem right and you can choose the magic u want to do. You can do rainbow, lighting, snow or real rain magic :) its like mod magic. :D
Hey. There will be a new mod son :) He will be my fav mod :)
Here is a little picture of him :) I cant wait till he is gonna be a mod
Hey. When i logged into chobots look what message i had O_O I sended a message to my self???
Huh. Is this a glitch or am i dreaming???!!! When i logged of and logged in back i had 6 messages from katya710!!! :O :O
I GONE MAD. i logged of again and logged in back and i had 9 messages from katya710!!!
(Spooky) Is this a glitch?
Lol. And plutonio is on the agent poll :)
Wish him good luck :) He will be an agent. Im sure he will
PS: Dont forget to comment on my contest!
Hi,Im on the agent poll;)
Good luck to us!
Katya Please manage the blog for a while ill be doing lots of homework;) tnx
Hello. Katya710 here ;)
I planned another contest.
All you have to do is tell me why
Chobots is really fun.
The best chobots who gives me a good
Fun info about chobots will win 5 F.G pnts
PS: Comment
PS: people who comment will be a member of fishgang and win 2 F.G pnts, But will NOT be an author
PS: Recommend FISHALATE and PLUTONIO to be an agent on chobots. They really deserve to be one
good luck on the contest!
PS: Comment at least 6 lines about why chobots is fun
Hi. The Guess the chobots contest has ended ;)
Want to know the winners?
1. Ada
2. Mctothemax
3. ????????
Only 2 people commented :(
Oh and. Ada and Mctothemax are already
an author and a member of fishgang
so i will just add them 5 pnts
Good luck on other contest's
I made a new keyring, this is a Christmas 2009 Keyring with Hikikomori's Xmas style :)
hey guys i hope u enjoyed the magnificent awesomated xmas party yesterday
comment the best things that happened yesterday/ur favuorite rain ,magic,clothes,hider
oh yes hider!hider waz impossible 2 find so its ok if u didnt find him i didnt have a clue where he waz but congratz 2 kilabeez for finding the impossibly good at hiding :)hider:)
Hey chobots!
So as you see in the pic a couple agents wher doing the cow mission so isaiah invited me and i joined them!
I didnt play that for AGES!
It was fun fun fun:D
So merry cho-xmas and have fun!
click Veiw all Images
Hey! The christmas party rocked!!!
Soo much rain! Tons of magic and lots of fun
I only got a few pictures cuz it was soo laggy
and i kept having connection errors! rrr
They are soo annoying
Well yes that party was FUNNNN
Lucky the the people who came to
the party cuz some people could
not come!
Lool merry christmas fishgang!
hey guys im mctothemax and im a new author of fihsgang.tk the most amazingest blog ever im just an author /agent so there are a few things i wont be doing:)make sure u come back 2 fishgang.tk:)
Hi fishgang! Just wishing you a jolly christmas!
And a happy new year ;) I will get a nindendo DS :D
Dashing threw the snow. on a one horse open sliegh
o'er feilds we go, Laughing all the way, Ha ha!
Bells on bob tail ring, making spirits bright!
What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song
tonight! HO!
Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse
open sleigh HO!
Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse
open sleigh HO!
Happy holidays!!
I'll have my christmas break on blogging for 4 days:)
Katya will manage the blog for a while i expect much from you katya;)
Some Rules:
1.Even you win in contest and become an author here,if you dont post and cant help you'll get deleted:0
Rules for katya:
1.Dont change any widget or add,remove all you can do is to invite authors and update the f.g. member list
Your Admin powers is permanent!!! :) yay!
Just continue getting viewers and contests
~Bye, Merry christmas!
Hello. i am here with another
contest! Guess the chobots!
Try and guess the chobots in
that picture ;)
1. Member of fishgang and
20 extra pnts
2. Member of fishgang and
15 extra pnts
3. Member of fishgang and
10 extra pnts
Good luck. The contest will end December 26th
PS. Thanks for making me an admin
Comment the chobot names!!!
Katya your now an admin so you can update the F.G. Member List with new agents/authors with their pts. The List should be arranged according to their points:)
Hey chobots!
I made a new widget!
Its on kiki-and-ada.tk (my blog)
its a thing that shows all my recent posts its on the sidebar(right one)
i think its the 3rd thing:D
So have fun and merry cho-xmas!
Dont forget about tomorrows partay!
Helllllo! Itss me again!
The Find the difference contest has ended!
The winners are....
1st. Abirox!
3rd. Fefo111
Lol. Only 2 people commented some i chose someone else to be 3rd so i chose Fefo111
Abirox will be a member of fishgang and 20 extra points
MCTOTHEMAX will be a member of fishgang and 15 extra points
Fefo111 will be a member of fishgang and 10 extra points!
Congratz! Fishalate or plutonio will add you to the gang and add the points!
Good luck on other contests!
Hello!! I posted this contest 3 days ago but nobody is commenting! only 1 person commented!
Scroll down down until you will see this picture but with colors
Find the difference
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Hello. I am quitting chobots!
i had 12584 bugs and i lost them all!
i only got 3 bugs now!!!!!!!!!!
i am quitting chobots but i will
post here everyday.
Hey chobots!
Im back!
Sorry for not posting much ive had loads and loads of problems these days...
Now i have a huge thing stuck in my mouth to help me make it bigger!
Ugh hurts so badly i have breathing problems!
Anyways theres new stuff in the catalogs:D
So merry cho-xmas!
Hey everyone ...
We were at Jessie's Quickee party today, right? Ha. It was Kewl.
My brother was on at the same time, sitting beside me.
He was trying to get to the Party, at Moonwalk, and When He clicked on "Change Server"
I'm NOT Kidding ... He saw a Server named "Eatsville."
Sorry about no proof ;(
You'll just have to believe me. But Remember Vayer said if citys got more Busy, They'd add more servers?
Maybe that's one of them.
Keep an eye out for it!! ;)
UPDATED: This new city was there for like 5 seconds.
My Brother got to Milky-Way, Clicked "Change Server," And it wasn't there.
There are new clothes on chobots. There are more new clotheson chobots, I only got 2 pictures because i got connection lost. But the other stuff are Santa Bag, Stocking bag and A weird hat.
PS: Invite people to fishgang! We need more people! Tell everyone about fishgang and tell them about contests!
PS: Enter contests to become a member of fishgang and be an author and earn points!
Cya! PS: I love posting in fishgang
Hi! Its me again! I got some good news to tell :D The chobots christmas party will start!!!
Its on the 24th december 2009! Its will go all day!!! Wow! Never ever on chobots was a party for all day! And on all servers! Wow! I can wait! There will be cool magic! Items rain and TONS OF FUN! :D! omg i cant wait! :D Hope to see you guyz at the party! Dont miss it! It will be fun im sure! and dont forget DONT ASK FOR RAIN AND DONT SPAM :P Cya! And again, Hope to see you at the party and enjoy it ;)
PS: Author are not posting alot now!!! I am the one now who is posting alot :O
PS: Not alot of people go on fishgang cuz they got deleted!
PS: i will try and make alot of contest :)
Hello!! Its me again. With another contest ;)
This contest is fun a bit ;)
Find the difference
★★☆☆★★☆☆ ●●
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Good luck!
Comment the difference's
Winners will get:
1. Author and agent and 20 extra points
2. Author and agent and 15 extra points
3. Author and agent and 10 extra points
Have fun and good luck!!
Space racing contest has ended :) Below you you can see the 10 best space racers :) The winners are 1snow1, omarstar and pirates2
Congratz :D
Good luck in next and everyone else too :)
Hello! The quiz contest has ended!!! :D
And the winner is... Bauti11!!!
Congratz! You are a new agent and a new author of fishgang!
Just tell fishalate and plutonio ur email and they will make you an author.
And if you dont post alot you might not be an author
Please Join my Team! You get these Rewards depending on what level you are!
Hey chobots!
Sorry for not posting alot...
im just so busy writing a book!!!
Ill try to post more in 3 or 4 days because for now i have huge stocmach aches!
Well till then..have fun:D
And merry cho-xmas!
Hi. I started another contest
But this time its a QUIZ contest
1. Am i a girl?
A. Yes B. NO
2. Is fishalate cool?
A. Yea!! B. No way!
3. Is chobots getting boring?
A. Yea! B. Kinda C. NO!
4. Is clubpenguin better then chobots?
A. YES! B. I dont know C. NO!
Comment your answers
UPDATE: Winners Will be an Agent and be an author here in Fish gang
Good luck!
Hey Chobots!
Sorry we haven't Been able to Post about this lately.
F.G. has Been Running quite Slow. ;(
Here are some Updates though. ;)
Yea I know Plutonio Posted about this, But Im just adding to this post. ;P
The Robot Flag -
You must Be a Top 100 Robot Owner To get this Item.
And The Robot Gear Item -
You Must Be in the TOP 10 Rank to get This item. ;)
Lol... I'll show a pic. of One of our Best Robot Owners so you can see ^_^:
A Tracker! Lol
Anyways, Try and Work for those Items!
Hey Everyone :)
I'm sorry... still, I haven't Been posting alot. ;(
But don't worry, I'm tryin' To get back on Track. ;)
Anyways, Chobots would Like to Congratulate Tara01 for BEATING Jessie2000 the Moderator In Robots!! ;)
Some Authors got deleted for not posting anymore.
We have Agents that keep posting and always post those agents can be a moderator here if they keep posting and helping f.g.
We will be helding contets for new authors!
Keep Posting:)
Here is a criteria if your an agent here to be a moderator:
~Posting everyday-35 fish pts.
~With Pictures - 25 fish pts.
~Posting Updates,Contets,Laties parties- 20 Fish Pts.
~Getting viewers&supporting f.g -20 fish pts.
Total: 100 Fish Pts. If you get 100 fish pts you will be a moderator and if you will ,you will continue getting fish pts. From now on F.G. list will be updated every week so we can give fish pts. for the agents!
Yup this pic tells ya everything!
So WE wanted to say CONGRATZ to sparky!
Our new only 3 days old agent!
And that my friends aint fair for alot of us coz he like haves only 3 days and we 300 and we aint agents!!!
But oh well...
SO congratz again:D
ANd btw if he works for vayersoft... im not mad anymore that im not one ! LOLZ
Ok so see ya later:D
(plz dont remove me i love posting on this blog!!!)
Hey! When i logged into chobots look what i saw!!! 3 servers left!!! And 3 servers gone!!!
Huh, weird, but chobots is loading faster now ;)
And, well sometimes you see someone on the chat with a bad name orwich is swearing, It is seether, fish says he is banning him but seether is un banning him self some how O_O
Hey!!! Cristmas is coming very soon so dont let it fly away!!! I will make a poll,if you wanna be in the poll you mast to tell in a coment what do santa clause wear and everything that you know abouth him... the winner will become a mask and a flag!
guys christmas is coming and we need gifts so here is a widgit to send gifts not real but its nice :) lol
wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
Christmas Gift Toy & MySpace Layouts at pYzam.com
guys all of you like chritmas songs her is a nice song
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Oh! You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why:
Santa Claus is coming to town!
He's making a list,
He's checking it twice,
He's gonna find out
who's naughty or nice.
Santa Claus is coming to town!
He sees you when you're sleeping,
He knows when you're awake.
He knows when you've been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake!
So...You better watch out,
You better not cry
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
Little tin horns,
Little toy drums.
and rummy tum tums.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
Little toy dolls
that cuddle and coo,
Elephants, boats
and Kiddie cars too.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
The kids in Girl and Boy Land
will have a jubilee.
They're gonna build a toyland town
all around the Christmas tree.
Oh....You better watch out,
You better not cry.
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why.
Santa Claus is comin'
Santa Claus is comin'
Santa Claus is comin'
To town.
Who plays virtual villagers and has a game of it in your computer?
PLEASE COMMENT and if you can send the game to my mail it will be great! Just comment if you want to send so i can tell my mail:)
I need some new Authors for my blog not in Fishalate Gang but for my new blog it's called CHOBOTS PLACE, If you want to join and be an author just comment your chobot name and your mail! Don't worry your mails are safe with us!
And Im having surprises for The Best Moderators here in Fish Gang you'll Have a Smile When your surprises came!
~Plutonio ;)
Hey Everyone!!
Can't Wait 'Till XMAS!!! 13 More Days! ;)
And Chobots has us some Brand-New Backgrounds!
Sorry Non-Citizens, You can't get these ;(
Hey Everyone!
Sorry I haven't Been Posting In a while, ;(
But Now I AM Posting. :P
I wanted to show you something I saw. ;)
:::WE ARE THE FIRST BLOG TO POST THIS!!::: (Even BEFORE Chobots Posted This!!)
Hey chobots!
Sorry for not posting alot...
Anyways chobots made some cool updates like the coins exchange ,new log in page and a2 new hats!
But my favorite update is the...NASCAR SUIT or however its called...
I like it because it very rare and i like the look of it:D
I mean like its gonna take ages to get 500 000 bugs to pay one of that!
For now i have around 50 000 bugs...so far behind.
See ya soon chobots!
Have fun and stay safe!
P.S.I cant take pics coz im on a laptop who doesnt have PAINT!!!
P.P.S. Are my posts to long or too short or just perfect? (answer in the comments)
P.P.P.S. Sorry for all those P.S.
Here is one of the new updates!
First if you are in the top 100 in robots you'll get a null flag if your in the top 10 youll get an armor!
WORK HARD If you want! :)
The caption contest has ended!
Want to know the winners ;)
1. Nathaniel9909
2. Dobodobo
3. katya710
Nathaniel9909 gets 5 F.G points! Congratz!
Dobodobo gets 3 F.G points! Congratz!
And i get 1 F.G point cuz only 3 people commented, Me nathaniel and dobodobo.
I will make another contest soon!
And again congratz winners! Fishalate or plutonio will add ur points!
Good luck! ;)
Heyz!!!! if you didnt do your christmas tree then do it... here is a pic of my christmas tree's
Hi guys I have made some more Games! Click to Play...
FIRST GAME: "Don't Touch me 2"
SECOUND GAME: "Don't Mess with Santa"
Enjoy ;)
Thanks for the 16,000 + Views ! |