Hello. i am here with 2 questions and 1 thing on chobots.
1st question: WHY IS NOBODY POSTING ON FISHGANG??!!! Thank you Klarisa for posting. you gwt 3 pnts. :)
2nd question: Why do i get connection lost ALL THE TIME WHEN I TRY AND LOG INTO CHOBOTS?????
1 thing: I logged onto chobots. i looked at hiki and guess what i saw!!! she was in a spaceship!!!! Is a spaceship costume. and she is wearing a space suit. I am not liening!!! I even got a proof. The top picture.
Also if you got Facebook add me. My name is Katya Chobots. I got a pink picture and a girl agent. ;)
Warning: If you do not play Facebook and you wanna join. Dont join it if ur Under 13! thank you :)
thank you :)

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