HI GUYS!!! IM NEW AUTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mrcarfan9000. speak to u soon. p.s thx fish

hi everyone today its my 140th bday just have a look at my tracker (older
post) by the time u see it ill probally be older but any its a nice day to have
a partys so im making a party at 17:05 chobots time!
Hi Chobots our Citizens have made more toys Check them out.!!!
Hi Chobots im Jordsno1 i will be contributing on this amazing Blog, Hopefully i will fit in nicely...
I would like to Thank Fishalate for making me an author....
If u would like to ask me any Questions leave some Comments at my posts.. :D
Thanks thats all here is a picture of my Chobots
hey cho's
somedays i will not be allowed to go on my computer coz i usually go on alot XD
so somedays i will not e able to post anything but most days i will :D
thnx for understanding XD
hey guys! your new video contest is here! make it with this tittle:
The day I Ate a Moderator/Agent!
Choose a moderator or agen, only one, by a moderator, you can do it on .de and have deli or someone or chobots.com and have deli as one!
Heres a pic you could include in your video!
You have 1 Week! Get started now! also: winner will get somthing like idk about 1,00 bugs or so!
Thanks for reading, leave your video as a comment.
Kaicooper :)(:
Hi im a new poster on this cool blog! i hope you alll like the picture i drew (on another post) if u like me then check out my blog!
maxgeorgeoo7chobots.blogspot.com also heres my tracker!
hi everyone i'm a new author on fishalate's awesome blog XD
i'll try to post regularly about the chobots updates and excitments XD
Hello everyone!
Here is my videos! Also i shall do some contest soon!!!
Ready to Rock:
Its My Life:
Ontop of Old Smokey!
Bohemian Rhapsody:
I got a Jar Of DIRT!:
Crazy Cow Song!: lol
Striped Sweater (epic):
If you like Phineas and Ferb... PERRY THE PLATYPUS:
Thats all!
Cant veiw propally?
Kaicooper :)(:
PS: Contest tomorrow! Getting Jessies permission!
Hi guys, I bought flame shoes recently, they must be the best non citizen item ever! They give you a good amount of speed, and you can wear them with any style! :)
Omg, its soooo cooool! This friday, Chobots team added some realllly cool and awesome suits, masks and new cho-boards! Take a look:(btw im starting to put how much does it cost, if its for girls or boys and if its for cits or non-cits)
Football suit-for cits
-300.ooo bugs(money i mean lolz)
-specially for boys
Cute Elvin Doll Mask- non-cits
- it costs 100.ooo bugs
- speacially for girls, but it can be weared by boys too
o.o Flame Boots(i guess its the most loved item) - non cits
- 12.99$(real money)
- for boys and girls
Pizza Cho-Board xDxDxD - cits
- 4.99$(real money)
- for boys and girls
C.D. Cho-Board - non-cits
- 9.99$(real money)
- for boys and girls
Many cool stuff right? Aren't they awesome?? The Chobots Items are getting better and better everytime!!Soo cool!
YAY!!! I am soo happy cuz chobots team developed today some extra-cool outfits!!!
Hello dear friends! I am the new author on this amazing blog!! Nice to see you! I'll try to post as much I can! :D Here is my traker
Hey,you all know that i had quit chobots for some time..... but i am now back to have more fun and to play chobots.........and chat whit you...if your thinking abouth to quit dont do it,,i dont know what whear on my mind when i has quit. but ok,, i am back and i willl massigge you tomarow!!!!!!!!!
Klarisa :D
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