Omg, its soooo cooool! This friday, Chobots team added some realllly cool and awesome suits, masks and new cho-boards! Take a look:(btw im starting to put how much does it cost, if its for girls or boys and if its for cits or non-cits)
Football suit-for cits bugs(money i mean lolz)
-specially for boys
Cute Elvin Doll Mask- non-cits
- it costs bugs
- speacially for girls, but it can be weared by boys too
o.o Flame Boots(i guess its the most loved item) - non cits
- 12.99$(real money)
- for boys and girls
Pizza Cho-Board xDxDxD - cits
- 4.99$(real money)
- for boys and girls
C.D. Cho-Board - non-cits
- 9.99$(real money)
- for boys and girls
Many cool stuff right? Aren't they awesome?? The Chobots Items are getting better and better everytime!!Soo cool!

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