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hey guys i am back from the trip. i whas there 3 days. so i didnt put new post,becose i whas on the trip. see you :) :D

hi, Today on chobots Chlos made lots of us stuck in the park I got mad because we couldnt move :(
eventually I moved but then got stuck again!!!
I got out again pweeph then chlos left because everyone was being mean to her or him!!! poor chlos :(

Tnx fishalate. i will put new updates every day. if some chobots dont know who i am,i am klarisa from chobots!!!!!!!!!

Hi chobots,
And here is the glich i found out:
If you can see Millionar hasnt got a American flag on him but he has got it on his playcard,
If you know how to do it please comment.

hey guys another update took place u can now sell ur furniture!yay new cross button through which u can now sell ur stuff!
should we get paid a lil more?
Back to Fishalate...
There is a Beach Coming to chobots!! the Rumour is True!!
You can now play chobots from Kongrate
click here to play chobots on Kongregate

Hi chobots,

Hi chobots,
I cant wait for Gift and Trade comes back
Thanks Fishalate

I will do a quiz....
Q1.What is my chobot name?
Q2.Whats my fav... a.Chobots b.Club Penguin c.Planet Cazmo
Q3.Am I... a. a citizen b. and agent c.none d.both a+b
Q4.fishalate is a... a. a citizen b.agent c. none d. both a+b
Last Q.Who is da chobot Guru?

Hey guys I'm going on vacation to New York with my brother Yankeey288! See ya guys when I come back! We will have a party!!!!!
When - Monday, July 27th!
Time - 00:00 Chobots time! (8 pm Eastern time zone)
Place - Shop Square!
Server - Live Star!
Why? - I'm coming back from vacation!
Theme - Summer clothes!
See you there!

Hey I'm Back :)
Did you like Ice Age 1? Maybe you want to watch the 2nd one... Ice age 2:
Click Here
Another Movie you might like is Finding Nemo :)
Click Here
Lol :) Any Requests? Comment on this Post asking for a Movie and I will see if I can Find it.

Hey I got treat for you guys :) Ice Age. Its a pretty cool film :P Enjoy
Watch it Online for Free Here. Just Press Play (Green/Red button)
What to do:
Go to that Link. Press the red Button. A Tab Opens. Go Back to the page that you were on. The Button should now be green. Press that and the Movie will Start.
Please vote in the New Poll. I need feedback to see if you enjoyed it.

Guys look at this pic of me by Swifty!
Oh I am starting up my own blog with Erpy! better post some stuff!

heyy guys Ganzy2 here sorry 4 not posting a lot but..
there was a small updates today first is new mask
Go to eco location
get in the pet shop
press on the masks catalog
buy the mask it costs 900 bugz its not a lot.. here's a pic of it :
and the second is.. a FlipFlop YAY if uw ant to get
go to shop square
get in shop
shoes and pants catalog
buy the flipflops it costs 920 bugs :d here's a pic of it
take care

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. But here is a litle returning video!
Just open the link.

Hi chobots,
I have made my own playlist for Fish Gang
I hope you will like it:
WIDGET REMOVED: Contained Bad Langauge.

Become a Citizen Today!
- Bugs Boost!
- Take your Pet for Walks!
- More Choice of Clothes!
- Better Magic!
- Buy a Bigger House!
- Play Music!
- Create your own Dance Moves!
- More Masks to where!
- Buy Choboards!
- Bigger Freind List!
Click Here to Buy CitizenShip!

~ You win green stuff!!!
p.s It will be when gift and trade is back next year

When Gift and trade Comes back I will give this V-Flag to one person.
Vote in the Poll to choose who deserves it.
Write a comment with your name and telling why you deserve it.
Poll Open Check the Sidebar!

Hello,sorry I havnt posted for a while it was because I was in school but Now I am off for 6 wks!!!
fishgang.tk RULES!!!

Hiiiii. I didn't really like quit chobots, I just won't be active. I will be on like once every few weeks. And when I come on, I will write a message on the wall when I'm bored, so people can see it... People erase it those... -.- and the reason I won't be active anymore is because u am not a agent yet, it's bull. And I won't be making buzzblocks anymore. Everyone is gonna be fired soon. I am gonna make my own game other than buzzblocks soon, maybe. Buzzblocks is a stupid idea and a dumb name. (sorry, and no offence fishalate.) well I guess this is all until my next update... My fingers hurt because I'm in my iPhone... Bye.

LOL!! Welcome new Agents!
Remember when I asked you guyz to vote for Ganzy2 and Loy121 in the Agent Poll...
It Worked!! Thanks Guyz!!How awesome is that!!! :P

New Contest!
Recently lots of people have asked to be on my freind list. So here is how...
The Most Comments on this Post Wins!
Comment like this:
1 (Your Chobot Name)
2 (Your Chobot Name)
3 (Your Chobot Name)

Chobot showed me some really cool new items.
Sorry I got no pics of them all.
A blue item.
A knight costume.
A Weightlifter Costume.
and something else idk what it is but its on the chobots homepage.
That was the best 200th Present ever :)
After he rained some V-Flags and some teleport magic for me.

Yeah it's true. They have a new Moderator! Her name is Vivien_milly. She is a very funny Chobot. And were favorit words are swish and woosh. Lol! Try and find her! And there is a Chobots German site comming! They already have a blog for it to!
Here is the name of the site - http://chobots.de/
Here is the blog - http://blog.chobots.de/
See ya on the German site!

Hey guys i became a citizen on my new account fusty! i am a citizen for 6 months! so yeah and i am moving houses so will not be able to post for a while then im going on holidays to the U.K! so yeah better go pack! cya !fusty!

There is a New Agent Poll.
So guyz I need your Help... Please vote for Loy121 and Ganzy2 to be the New Agents.Click Here to Vote. Thanks :)

Well... I never thought the day would come! I am finnaly on the Agents poll! Check it out if you don't belive me. http://blog.chobots.com/

Your Name Could be Here! Take a Look!
Aayush- He was playing chobots right at the start and hanging out with all the mods :) Veiw his blog here
Seether- Seether is a Awesome, He made me lots of banners,widgets,sites, And More!
Star- I met Star for the first time when I was non agent. It was awesome and I was a Big Fan then :)
Ganzy2- I met Ganzy2 at eco location and he heard that my club penguin account was banned so he gave me some other accounts.
Rofroze- Rofroze is awesome :))))) I met him soon after I veiwed one of his videos.
Loy121- I met loy recently he has been a big help to F.G Since.
Hikikomori- Hiki is a Legend :P Her 50th birthday was awesome!!
Canab- When I first played chobots I did not know what spamming was and I got banned for it... But canab unbaned me once I explained.
Vayerman- Vayerman has put my blog in the chobots blogroll and he put one of my videos on the chobots blog too :)
Go! (or God when I first met him)- Invited lots of people to a secret room and he may of been the one who made me a agent.
Bumblebeez- When I met Bumblebeez she was new to chobots and I gave her lots of clothes to start her off.
Jessie2000- A very Kind Chobot and a super cool mod! (Congratz!)
Torchwood- When I first joined chobots I met Torchwood and she showed me around chobots... we had a party in the cafe too!
Sniker- One of my closest freinds on chobots :)
Klarisa- A great freind :P
Maza- I have not heard from Maza for a while now but we were great freinds :)
Deliciouzz- Deliciouzz is a Great Artist and a Awesome Freind.
Basia- A Famous Chobots Artist she even has a suit named after her!
Guguzi-A another cool artist and owner of Chobots Life.
Mimo-A famous chobot that has made cool items for chobots.
Fano-I enjoyed being part of a movie of Fano.
Hardstyle4ever- Hardstyle stuck up for me when a bad chobot was being mean.
_Skip_- One of my best freinds on chobots.
Boy- Boy is totaly awesome :P
Bube07- Bube is a awesome agent and a good freind of mine.
Now Some art for you! (This took a long time to make)
Click To EnlargePhew what a Long Post!

Hi chobots,
here is it:

Hey guys, I asked Tina and Vayerman to come to my 2ooth birthday. Here is the information. And I hope to see you there!
When - July 16th
Time - 18:00 Chobots time.
Server - Vanilla.
Place - Shop Square.
Theme - Dress up like Artic288.

Hey I found this really old picture of when I became a Agent check it out :)))Only 15 Days it took :) Thanks Chobots.

Hey guys! Tina is having a party today! Here are the details!
Time - 21:00 Chobots time.
Place - Cafe' Street or Park.
Server - Vanilla.
Theme - Dress up like Tinagothic.

Hey guys im on holidays!
I found a really cool agent blog! by Bube07!
please visit bube07.blogspot.com
And remember to comment and follow!
thanks fusty/alasaurus!

Hey guys! Here is my idea for a new banner for F.G. Here it comes. And sorry it is not good. Lol.
(Click to inlarge.)

Hey guys. This Artic288. Sorry I have not been posting for a while. Anyways, alot of people have been wondering why Mezk quit. Well here's the story. Mezk sorta had a litlle fight with Vayerman asking for a raise in his pay check. So vayerman refused to give it to him. Then Mezk walked out of Vayersoft saying "I quit." Sorry you guys. I know he will be missed.
Note: A friend told me this information. I will ask Tina about it later.

I am thinking of having a 2000 Hit party... How about
Sunday 5th July 18:00 ChoTime - Live Star - Park
I will have to check If I can make it nearer the time.

Hi guyz I am working on a basic project for buzzblocks so... I need a creator that can help me build rooms.
I need to Trust them- because I am giving them acess to things that can destory the game completly. Use the Feedback button and write to me if you want the Job.
Also if you are a Creator you can see the game produce... this probably won't be the "Real BuzzBlocks" just a thing I want to work on but I am naming it after BuzzBlocks.
Note: You are not applying to be a creator on the "Real BuzzBlocks" Just this project.
My Closest Freinds will have a big chance because I can trust you but you need to be creative and good at building ... (Serously Building).

Hi people it is me sniker,
Here is a picture from the party:
I hope you engoyed the party and Happy American day

Its been a long time but here is the episode that will start the new series...
Click to Enlarge
lol this was made ages ago!! in the bottom left corner whering black is loy!
Also some news...
Falgo1 has been Fired Reason: Not Posting on F.G and Voted out by the Gang.