Hello. can you remember me ?? :) i think you dont know me)) i realy missed you alot and am glad that am talking to you in a famous site because i want everyone to see this message :) Well.. i will give you one of my contests that you know about me am a guy that love you all :) hard contest from my Contests ;) can you remember the contest of my contests :) am mysterying you :P Well, The last party of my blog was 10000 hit party :) which hiki came and make it up with magics and rains xD :D anyways i will tell you who am i.. am ghoni :) realy am glad to see you all and great job for new agents and people on the agent poll on blog.chobots.com :D :D Also. i came up with a SURPRISE FOR YOU !!! :D :D am creating a new online virtual game coming out soon :D its called zobians Fishalate is a developer in it ;) i hope this game will come out soon and we meet each other again :D :D here are some advertisations.... IF U WANNA CHAT WITH ME... go on : www.xat.com/zobians and if you wanna see Zobians official site go on : www.zobianz.tk and if you wanna check Zobians official blog go on : www.zobians.tk i realy missed you alot . :) and i wanna see you again :( :( hope for you great job on chobots and HAVE FUN !! remember Chobots is the greatest game ever ;) IT Made a realy awesome great friendship I can give you proofs :- 1.It made me and yousef2 meet in real life :) and we are real friends ;) 2. It made the friendships between me and you ;) nice to meet you i will see your comments and reply to them in a post :D ~ghoni
hey i have dose days realy much homework,so i dont put new post some days.i feal today great!!!!!!!!!!!you?and one more thing,i wanna tell to Plutino thet he become a great present for his b day on chobots
Hey guys! I Found a bot in Chobots, I Think he's the first one that somone made. He's really cool, He's usually on Chocolate by the telescope. I've been watching him and he sits there, He usually logs off after a few hours then he reAppears there automatically. I'm trying to find a way for him to follow me like the club penguin bots. If you find a way then please tell me! :) Btw, His name is NPCBob.
Hi everybody! I have made a new video called 'Universe Switch'! Its about a chobot who gets teleported by a nicho to another universe(virtual world)! Dah Dah DaaaaaaahhITS TIPICAL lol anyway here it is
if you like it plesae comment, im making universe switch 2 right now ;)
The video's just keep coming!!! wow I love making them =) this took me a long time to make. I am now going to add sound in my videos... finally!!! I hope you enjoy this one :) I think I did well here.
We have a new agent poll on our Chobots Offical Blog I am only going to vote at the last minute for the chobot who I think its the nicest chobot :) And Plu,one of the best mod of FG is in the agent poll! Good Luck guyz and you all deserves to be an agent! Best Wishes from me :)
My blog need just 21 views and we will have a 2000 hits PARTAY! Do you think we can do it??? Sorry Fishy for advertising it's just this is really important to me. :)
Wooot! At the drawning contest there were Two Teams! Team 1 and Team 2! All agents and others were at Team 1 So i joined Team 2 because nobody could draw from there! So we draw 3 pictures! Statue of Libery! Monkey Moffin! It was really fun and interesting look what i got :
Woot the score was 0:3 for the Team 2 ( only i was drawning )
I like to say Awsome drawnings to the agents on Team 1! Also Thx for all who said that im awsome artist and that i need a paintbrush item!
Yellow guys! :D Im kinda in a mood for stupid joks :D I just wantd to say Go! is back!Thats all for now and im gonna post my own Mixpod so here it is hoe you like the songs :) ...
I am Yellowhouse and I will be joining FG as a blog author from now on :) I will be posting Daily and trying to make contest every 3 or 4 days :) So looking forward to work together with the rest of the members :)
EASY FUN AND EXCITING!!! Instruction: Follow Fishalate Gang and these blogs first 3 followers get 2 fish points others 1 fish points Remember you have to follow fish gang and these following blogs! http://chobotsplace.blogspot.com/
Yestoday we has on chobots a 100 followers party,potter909 has 100 foollower's on his blog :).Hiki and Jessie2000 whas there.we had realy a great time :D
Hey its me Klarisa agen.I didnt put new post some days becose i has a lot of homework. But now i will put more post's,OK?And one question for you guys, how whas the green party?
Vote on the side please, Fishalate should be a mod or get made a agent again. He is like one of the best agents ever! And chobots de-agented him for no reason, Hopefully it was a mistake but vote please!
Hey Teenager_girl_12 here :) To all you can call me Tedi :) Im really sick of this hacker :( Well im sick almost of everything like school,trainings,sport competitions but that hacker is gettin on my nervs!I really hope you guys will like me cause im not such a "star" like fishy :D Well now i got to goez cause i have volleyball and football practice :)
Hey i am back.the hacker removed me then i cant put new things,i am so sorry :( . like thet new things at shop.new suits and a lot of new things. i love thet gold chat, see ya guys at chobots By: Klarisa XD
COOOOOOL!!!! We have new chat bubbles!! Nah, i'm just kidding you. But you can buy the new magic called "Promotion" and it will give you a much bigger and shinier chat bubble!!! Check it out!
*Sigh* I am getting so bored of this hacker, he removed all the mods again.
I don't know why he is doing it. Its not his property so he should leave it alone.
Scammers like him become unpopular and no1 likes them, if he coninues to annoy people then he will be found out. The Punishment will be high. Really High.
What he is doing now is Breaking the Law. So he is going to get in deep trouble if he doesn't stop.
Soon people will find out about this, and the IP Adress will be tracked.
hello everybuddy first of all i am aayush from chobots and now i will be working on the developing of fish gang codings and themes also i have a formal notice for all fish gang members with fish's permission this blog now runs on dynamic state that means it will give maximum performance it can possible give and its really high but if anybuddy tweak into the codes or change anything then the blog risk blowing up,being deleted from blogger,losing all of its popsts,widgets,comments e.t.c do please do not tweak into them without a officials permission and please take my permission too i mgiht have to change something in them to make the codes dynamic
The F.G Member list is gone =( the hacker ruined the blog again. But its not all bad news....
This Reset means you can re-earn your Ranks and Points.
Also all of the mods were removed so I am adding them back. If some mods don't want to come back to fishgang then this means there is room for more F.G Moderaters.
Comment on this post to Re-Join F.G
Comment like this:
Chobot Name : EXAMPLE
If you comment on this post you will get a Bonus +3 Points when joining. - This offer has expired ~Fishalate
I would like you ALL to follow these rules. If not you shall be banned. _____________ 1. Never swear! 2. Do not spam, Or scam 3. No Dating... 4. Dont be mean to other people. 5. PLEASE do not cuss people! 6. If you dont know english, use Translator. (you wont get banned on this rule) ______________
We dont like it when people beg too... Soo. Like i said. If you do any of those stuff you might get banned from fishgang.