*Sigh* I am getting so bored of this hacker, he removed all the mods again.
I don't know why he is doing it. Its not his property so he should leave it alone.
Scammers like him become unpopular and no1 likes them, if he coninues to annoy people then he will be found out. The Punishment will be high. Really High.
What he is doing now is Breaking the Law. So he is going to get in deep trouble if he doesn't stop.
Soon people will find out about this, and the IP Adress will be tracked.
Its not looking to good for him.

3 Reply to "It happened again"
aayush on 7 September 2009 at 02:40
grrr hey fish send me another invite mail and make me again the admin pls that hacker removed me from fg
Anonymous on 7 September 2009 at 03:28
Yea the hacker is bad :@
i wish he wont do that again :@
fish can u tell me how can i earn points xD
i want to be author like teen il help with anything Xd just tell me :)
Fishalate on 7 September 2009 at 06:50
wats ur email again?
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