I Got into the mod hq, Which is located at the Rockemall street, look!
Click it to enlarge, I'm surprised it's not anything more. this is very plain and boring lol.

I Got into the mod hq, Which is located at the Rockemall street, look!
Click it to enlarge, I'm surprised it's not anything more. this is very plain and boring lol.
hey Guy today there were little updates and they also fixed the glitch :| it was an awesome glitch her e are pic about the new updates
Hey guys its alasaurus today I saw it rain for the first time! coz I always miss it!!!
anyways look what canab did to us!
those are just a few things he did!
he made it rain and did about 20 mod powers!!!
from alasaurus
p.s for all of those fans who play club penguin comment coz on club penguin I am turning 1,000 days old pretty soon! thats a long time I have been playing for 1,000 days! so comment if you would like to come and i might post a invite on the blog. thanks alasaurus
Hey guys, I've made a buzzblocks store. You can buy 12 Month, 6 Month, and 3 Month membership before the game releases. They are On Discount so, When the game releases they will be Raised way higher.
12 Month: $15.00 USD Now, $55.00 USD When buzzblocks releases.
6 Month: $10.00 USD Now, $30.00 USD When buzzblocks releases.
3 Month: $5.00 USD Now, $15.00 USD When buzzblocks releases.
1 Month will be coming out when buzzblocks releases! The price of 1 Month will be $10.00 USD When Buzzblocks Comes out.
Where will the money be going?
The money will be going to upgrades to Buzzblocks, Such as more servers, Domain name (.com or .net or somthing) And alot more stuff.
What's in it for me?
Well, You get Blockoship in the Game. Which means you will be able to go to the Blockoship HQ, Buy Blockship Items, Buy furniture for your house, You will recieve a Shirt saying, I'm a Supporter (This is only if you buy it now!) And you will become a Spy on the game imediately (If you buy it now!). Once the Game releases, You won't be able to get the Shirt, and you won't become a spy!
When will I get the Membership?
Right when the Beta Releases (If your a beta tester) And if your not a beta tester, Right when the game releases! :)
You can visit the store Here. The memberships are cheap, So grab yours today!
If you would like some more info then please contact me on chobots and I will discuss everything with you!
Remember the store is HERE. Or Buzzblocks.cc.cc, So grab it today before the game releases and these great deals will be gone forever!
Buzzblocks Creator
Hi people it is me sniker,
Hey guys I found a few cool chobots. they have really cool clothes!! check it out (sorry if you carnt see the pic) :(
well done to omar,cwackamolie and emniki!
keep up the good styles!
Hey guys, Heres a AWSOME Game. It's called Webosaurs! You should register today! :) Heres some reasons you should join:
Chobot Plays it
Lots of Agents Play it
Moderators Add you
Fun for all
Lots of games
Unlock new areas
Buy membership
Buy coins or earn them from mods.
Lots of chobots play it!
It's a really awsome game and I recommend you play it. You can register Here. Woot it's really fun! And my username is Ninja on there! So see you there! :)
Remember! beta.webosaurs.com. It will be going out of beta really soon to! :)
hey guys sorry i havnt posted for ages i have had heaps of homework and been busy with my school play and other stuff so yeah im really sorry i will try and post as much as i can blogger wasnt working:( i am going away today for 5 days then coming home for 2 days then going away for a week so i will not have a computer with me well i will have my laptop but i will try and get internet. By the way if you dont know seether might not be posting for a while his laptop charger broke yesterday lol. well yeah so see ya soon
my new account is called FUSTY!
Guyz lately some chobots had found a glitch its awesome u appear and disappear woooot
heres how it work
woooooooot am in chobots official blog look
thx and guyz hiki b day is in cafe not in garbage collector anymore
Hi everyone,sniker here.
and his pet is called FG what means Fishgang.
hey ganzy2 here
first little update is there's a sign in the park for the sweet battle 2.
second is a new mask
go to Eco location buy it its a insect or smthn: price:1000
a new hair !!
and a new non citzien suit yay for girls ):
and there's a new cool citzien suit:
and there's a new agent catalog i cant open it:
hello guy's ganzy2 here today im making a post about chobots rules:
here we go
sometimes some ppl dont read the rules when they make an account like this girl:
guys don't believe this lie's she wont give u an account and even don't share Ur password or Ur account gonna get bannded
and dont share personal info like :phone number , home address ,real name x)
just say like ur from new york dont say ur address !!
spam means saying the same word over 3 times or saying an unknowed words like :asdasfdfff (sorry xD) these day's a lot of ppl saying rain rain they think they aint spamming but its a spam if u want just say rain 1 time no more :D
any expression implying sexual content is dating guys dont say that
its a family GAME not just for u!!
4.teasing other chobots!
teasing other chobots is kinda weird why would someone say that but there's ppl saying that
if u did these thing ur account might get bannded if u found someone doing it REPORT HIM AND IGNORE HIM!!
thx for reading
woooooooot me and kittysnow are making a surprize b day to hiki heres info :)Hope u will be there hiki will be surprized hope she comes too we need much crowd lol
look yesterday i was waiting so long for house contest when it was time i didnt find hiki so i didnt win :/ but hiki is awesome i posted my house in comment and look wat i see today
wo ths hiki ur the best mod :D
omg omg i just went to cinema and look wat i see the mods who quitted "(canab got the 30 shirt
and a mod saying dont forget to visit chobots official blog i think it was tina
i really miss go! and mezk and other mods :'(
Don't give points to members that have not been to a meeting... >:l
heey guys !!
sorry for not posting this 2 weeks i was in a vacation in puerto rico it was awesome but today there was a little updates first:
1.press on map
2.press on shop square get in shop
3. press on hats catalog
4. buy the new hat xD
here's a pic of it price:870
and there's a new bee mask
1.press on map
2.go to eco location get in pet shop
3.press on masks catalog
4.buy the bee mask
here's a pic of it price:910
peace out
Well done guyz you gave us 1000 Hits!!
Other things you can do to Help:
heh heh Im back
Ive done this hoping for my infinite points back LOL
Ok heres how to get the W shirt
First like the mimo suit
the sign up!
And wallah U (should) Have the W shirt!
Yep thats right ChoComic is coming back... the next series will have some great effects! But Effects that are hard to make means shorter episodes which is why I try and keep it a bit simple some times.
The Next Series will be great though.
Here is a One off Episode.
Cool Here are
fasionable agents!!!
Guess all there names to see royaltapdancer!!!
Entries close on the 19th July 2009
winner will be said that day or the day after!!
Good Luck!!!
Hello its me on my first real post and I am giving you a secret (sorry if you allready know it) Go to the menu on your chobots screen and click the tick for the chobots names and then you can have chobots names off. I will give you another one too!!! If you go to space racing and click on the telescope it gives you infomation about stuff!!!
Over and Out
Omg look at this it happened a few mins ago!! I Just logged on when I got this message!!LOL!!
There is some new clothes, The first one are glasses that make your head HUGE like the magic does, And it lasts forever!!!! :D This is what they look like,
And the second thing, Omg this is my favorite thing ever! Guess what it is? ITS A BABY BIB! LOL! It is so cool, And this one makes you FAT like that magic! LOL! This is what it looks like.
The baby bib rocks, just rocks!!! OMG! LOL! :)
There is some updates today, First of all there is some new magic. It is WAY Expensive, 2500 Bugs for 1 of them, and 1500 Bugs for the other. Wow! Here they are.
And there is a new Mission person like, Choproff, Chopix, Etc. His name is Gune. But, He is citizen only because he is at the end of the Nicho Kingdom. You have to Complete the Nicho Kingdom and wait for the gate to burn down that's blocking him, Then you talk to him and he gives you a nicho mask! Heres some pictures,
Click To Enlarge
I Think that's all!
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