Okay guys, I Added the member list... I Had it stored on my computer and I never knew, LOL! I Made some updates to it so here it is,
F.G. Mods can choose the color of they're name and star
There is now new F.G. Asst. Head Mods
The Point System is changed
Asst. Head mods can change they're points
Okay, I Will explain all of these.... Now I will explain the new points system.
So, In the new points system it has been renamed to Pnts. for shorter, And I Made it so all members have 0 Points, Except for the ones that came to the first meeting. I Didn't see who was at the 2nd meeting because I wasn't there. I Made it so you now start with 0 Points instead of 10, And the ones that made it to the first meeting get have 1 point. If you get -10 Points you will be Suspended from F.G. For a week, If you get -20 You will be suspended for a Month, And -30 You will be banned forever from F.G. And we can't give away prizes anymore because the trade and gift are gone. :(
Okay, Now asst. Head Mods are Assistant Head Moderators, I Will choose them and they will help me out with everything. To become one you have to be really helpful to me, And YOU must be a F.G. Mod already to become a Asst. Head Mod.
Asst. Head mods can change they're name and star color on the Member list, They must tell me and I will change the color. (Fish Can change the colors to). And finally, Asst. Head Mods can change they're points, Like... If they wanted to they could changed it to 383258937534198 lol.. xD
Obviously, Fish and me can do all of this stuff because I Am the Head F.G. Mod and Fish is obviously the owner (duh) lol!
P.S. Meeting tomorrow!

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