Okay, Me and loy121 are friends now again. So we put that all behind, Now about aayush... He stole F.G. Template, Idk why he has to lie about it... But I don't care. He can't get F.G. Shut down because this Template is a FREE Template from Btemplates So, He can just deal with the facts, and Fish, Why did you remove my admin? I Didn't even do anything... And another thing, aayush said that He has been developing that template for over a Month on his test site? WTH That's such a LIE! he didn't make this template, It's from Btemplates He is SUCH a liar! And if you want some proof, Go to aayushes site and look, Theres proof right there! It says he's updating... Now I think that is enought proof for a normal person. Okay, here are the Next F.G. Meeting details,
When?: Tomorrow, June 11
Where?: Classroom
Server?: Vanilla
Time?: 19:00 Chobots Time
I Have to make it at 19:00 because i'm doing somthing between 20:00 and 24:00. I Hope some can make it! Sorry there hasn't been a meeting in a while, I Forgot all about them! lol!

2 Reply to "Hello!"
Fishalate on 10 June 2009 at 08:34
I will make u a admin now sorry
Seether on 10 June 2009 at 13:46
okay ty
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