Hey everyone, I've been thinking over this for a few months. And now i've made my mind. I Am going to Create a Virtual World, Like... Chobots, Pandanda, Club Penguin, Etc. Me and Fishalate are going to be making it. I will get some tutorials on how to code flash and I will get a program! I've already made a sketch for the main town, Here it is.
Click To Enlarge
It's beta Themed because it will be the beta test. I will work on a colored version soon, And Edit some Features, Such as a font for the Text such as, Free, Shop, Coming Soon etc. I Will make a blog soon for the game. And me and fishalate are still going over what the characters should be, And what we should name it. But until then, You can see the updates here, at my other blog (company blog), JKPanda, And at My Chobots Cheats Blog, Here.

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