I would like you ALL to follow these rules. If not you shall be banned. _____________ 1. Never swear! 2. Do not spam, Or scam 3. No Dating... 4. Dont be mean to other people. 5. PLEASE do not cuss people! 6. If you dont know english, use Translator. (you wont get banned on this rule) ______________
We dont like it when people beg too... Soo. Like i said. If you do any of those stuff you might get banned from fishgang.
3 Reply to "MOVIE TIME!"
waterofcheese on 18 August 2009 at 00:45
Hey can I be in your movie
klarisa on 18 August 2009 at 03:03
plutino i whant to make a movie whit you.do you know how to make it.i have some progras and photo shop program
Anonymous on 18 August 2009 at 09:24
I want to make a movie and i know how to make one,ive also made some before.Soo...Nohting else :P
- Fallen
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