WOW! A lot applied to become an author here in Fishgang.
And guess what this is the 700th Post in Fishgang!
Ok,,,, The results are here If your name is Listed Comment saying
Thanks Plutonio, and your e-mail to give you invitation for Fishgang.
NEW authors are:
Lucario, Fefo111, Mhach, Ada, Filip_ficman, 1234danny1234 CONGRATULATIONS!
You all get+2 Fish Pts. to get started.
Nots:You will be in the F.G list and recieve pts. if you can post already so pls comment your mails.
Hey Everyone!
As You Probably Know, Fish Is Making Games ...
Well, ... I Made One Too! :P
Rofl ... Did You Flip The Car on Lvl. 6? xD
Hey Chobots!
Did You Look On Chobot's Blog?
Yup. He's Finished Chobots HQ!
Anyone Can Post On It, And To Let you know How, I'll Give Instructions. ;)
1. Go To The Site, chobotshq.com
2. Look To The RIGHT Of The Site, On The Side - Bar. Click On 'Register,' Under 'Simple Login.'
(Once You've Registered, You Use 'Login' To Post. ;))
Hey Chobots!
Did You Know Elite Is 400 Today? ;)
Hey Everyone!
I happened To See [Canab] Today. :)
Lol, No Rain, Just Costume Magic. ;)
But, I wondered What You'd Think If I let you See THIS:
Sorry It's Sorta Late ... :P
This was posted on the Blog During mai Vacation. xD
New Robots Power: Rush Attack. ;)
Hey Everyone!
Back from Mai Vacation. ;)
Anyways, Check Out The New Stuff In the Catolog!:
Hi. Its me katya710.
Sorry i was not posting.
I will post everyday now ;)
some widgets are gone O_O
The chat box is gone, music box and other.
Som widgets dont appear here like music,trackers,hit box,and others.
Pls fix it because i believe you can!
Reply from Fishalate: I am working on it. Not sure what the problem is...
Battle through spearman and robots to get to the control room and shut down the robots.
APPLY HERE IN THIS COMMENT WE NEED 10 AUTHORS NOW! Just tell why you should be in F.G And what you can do here.
Hey Guys, Fishgang has not been in the Chobots offical blog for a while now, but thanks to jessie2000 we are in a post again :)
Heyz i miss you....... i wanna say that we need followers..... if you can plese tell your friends on chobots to get us more followers....... and i like that new suit in shop.... its cool,if you didnt buy it then go to shop to buy it
Lets Welcome!
Our new Asst.Head Moderator!
Nathaniel9909 always post in here, and he has the quality of a good Asst.Head Mod who can assist me in my duties to this blog Congrats!
Your Code name in the F.G list is Nathaniel since it wont fit:)lol
Nathaniel9909's Privilages:
1.Advertise his blog without asking
2.Can be an Admin in F.G. if showing more good qualities of a good blogger
3.Can have Infinite Pnts.in F.G List if higher comments and good ratings:)
Thanks to all F.G Mods and F.G Agents, You have done alot of posting recently thanks very much!
u all rok :P
....Plutonio nice Banner,Music and Clip art, your designs are Great.
I am currently Making games at the momment but if you want to join me and make your own games ...
Click Here!
I am making a new virtual world!!! I will not give too many details, so you gotta check out the site ;) Here's the link
and if that doesn't work for you, then try this one!
So tell me what you guys think of the blog! I just made the game today and it will be out real soon ;) I've got to hire some workers for it to.
I need some people good with FLASH, yes FLASH.
And also designing (Hand drawn and comp)
Coders, that KNOW how to code and not just saying it
Sponsors, usually with sites with over 50 followers
One of the MOST IMPORTANT are FLASHERS. I need them A LOT for making the game. To be a flasher AKA flash designer, I recommend you have Adobe Photoshop CS3. It's good for making virtual worlds. But do NOT download it without permission because it costs money. Oh and if you already have it, then great! :) And you need experience with it too :)
Thanks!!! I need those workers QUICK so get learning or something xDDD :P
Hey Everyone!
Now you no longer have to ask how much
Experience You Need For The Next Level ...
Instead, The Experience Bar TELLS YOU! ;)
Hey Everyone!
Heres a Cool Turkey Costume Chobots added to The Catolog
Sorry Non-Citizens, This is for Citizens Only.
And Its for 950 Bugs. ;)
Heyz.... i am great and you guys?....... i am sorry i promised to massige you more times but i whas busy i hope i will massige you of now more times........ and be here for you if you need help....... happy to massige you agen.... bye
klarisa :-D
Hey Everyone!
... By Now Im Sure You've Probably Seen The New Banners ...
But Did You See The Clothes That Are Not Even In Chobots Yet?
;] Lemme Show You One:
Lets have a special day for Fishalate
It's on December 7 As Fishalate Day!
To all fans of Fishalate see you there!
When: December 7, 13:00 cho-time
I haven't posted much here but can I mention about guguzi's chobot forum?! Please make a account on chobotsforum.tk !! Also Plz follow glitcherchobot.tk it is redecorated!
Ever noticed the fireplace in the Makeyourownhouse Shop? Here's a pic to remind you! :)
Well, I think fireplaces will come soon to Chobot homes. Tell me what you think ;)
Nathaniel pls remove your comment in Jessie's post at blog.chobots.com about entering fishalate gang in blog decor for christmas ill be the one to enter it since i made a lot of designs.
Hey Everyone!
Chopix Is Here, So You Can Go Earn Some Bugs For Your Robots ;]
But There Was a Glitch I Found.
You Know How When You Put On The Chopix Goggles, Everything Is Purple?
I Finished The Mission, Took Them OFF, And Look What Happened:
Ill be helding 2 contests this day!
Ill be acting as Jessie today
As you can see, Jessie had a contests story board about Merry's Christmas Make one too here. Post the links here using tinypic.com use the rules in the post she made in blog.chobots.com and make drawings too in the sidebar.Just follow the instructions in her post about that contest!
You have 4 days. Make it good!
Hello Everyone!
Merry Christmas!
Fishalate Gang is ready for christmas as you can see with the widgets and songs.
Fishalate, pls dont remove the music if you remove it i might quit. I work hard with the designs and music it's a part of a christmas blog.
If you have any ideas for Fishalate Gang parties or any suggestion for F.G for christmas just comment.
Update: We will be saerching for the new Asst.Head Moderator who can help us like designing widgets and followers if you want keep suggesting commenting!
There's been some small updates in Chobots. The price tags have changed, they look more high techy!!! :O!
They look cool right!!! :) That's all I have found :P
Jessie Is Holding A Contest On Bugs.
And Guess What? The Winner Gets Bugs. ;P
You Can Post Your Entrys Here ;]
My Entry Was On The Ant, Try And Look For It. ^^
P.S. I Made a Cool Pic. For It. ;)
Hey guys! There's a new Glitch in Chobots. It's called the Playercard Glitch. Basically what it does is When you open up somones Playercard it will say Present, Trade, Etc. Here are some Pictures.
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