Thank-you authors for your banners i have chosen 2 it was banner by
Axceler8t and Nathaniel9909 They recieved +3Pnts.
I like Seether's art work too but its too big can you adjust it Seether make it fit that will fit in the sidebar.:)
P.S: Seether pls find a way too make this blog famous do something since your the asst.head mod.
Update: Only the Owner, Head-Moderator and Asst.Head Moderator can advertise their blog here anytime they want since they are in the position, The normal moderators should ask permission to Fishalate or to the Head Mod and Asst.Head Mod if they want to advertise blogs. If you advertise your blog again without asking permission your rank might decrese and your fish pts. i saw a lot of posts with advertise to their blog. Pls dont use this blog as your advertiser.

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