Hi people! I have come back to chobots for a while since I bought 1 month membership! I'm going to get this site up and running again! stay tuned :)
hey guys! It's me, Mrcarfan9000. I work on this blog. I have been for a while but haven't been posting! So yeah. What's new? please write a comment, try out the chat and lots more!
Hey Cho's!I know you're thinking "what is this guy doin' and who is he?"Well I'm rapy,fishalate's DUDE and I wanted to go to this blog because I don't like my blog :P but when I came to this blog,it was like I was in HEAVEN!It's AWESOME!Well I have 2 accounts that I go on... rapy and gameova.
If you bump into one of my accounts(me!LOL)feel free to add me.But if you're nice and helpful,I will add you.But if you`re someone random I will not add you(sorry!)Because I don't like adding random people O_o So yeah oh and also the citizenship is back to the contests because I asked the Chobots Staff to add the citizenship back to the contests and they did!I also told them to make the contests on weekends because some people are failing school when contests are on weekdays so yeah.PHEW!It's like a typed down a novel!Well that is it for today so PEACE!
~rapy~ ~gameova~
Hello. I know this has got nothing to do about chobots but i would just like to share some of my good VIRTUAL worlds i know.
www.playcrafter.com (You make game there, ITS COOL)
www.ourworld.com (Its ok. You level up play games and much more)
www.secretbuilders.com (its weird and funny, its kinda nice :P)
http://www.fantage.com/ (Its good)
http://www.vizwoz.com/ (***************)
Moshimonsters.com ( Just take care of a pet)
http://www.handiipoints.com/ (its ok)
http://www.habbo.com/ (Popular and fun)
http://www.stardoll.com/ (kinda for girls)
www.neopets.com (****************)
www.marapets.com (**************)
http://www.toontown.com/ (Ages: 8-18) (Needs download)
http://www.wizard101.com/ (Ages: 8-16) (Needs download)
http://www.secondlife.com/ (Ages: 13-18) (Needs download)
http://www.imvu.com/ (Ages: 13-24+) (Needs download)
www.freerealms.com (Ages: 13-18+) (Needs download
Thats all i could remember.
Hi fishgang. i have made a Contest...
Find the Difference Challenge.
1st. 5 pnts
2nd. 3 pnts
3rd. 1 pnt
●●●◎◎●●● ●●●◎◎●●●
●●●◎◎●●● ●●●◎◎●●●
There are at least 5 differences.
Please comment the differences.
Thank you.
Hi chobots. Katya710 here, Im back. Sorry i have not been posting for ages. I just forgot about this blog.
i will now be posting everyday, (i supposeeee)
Maybe not everyday because i got bad Internet connection. lol
Well. cya
Loy's youtube account got hacked today, can you Sub his new youtube account, He will post video tutorials about helpful programs.
Hey guys!!! Long time no chatting!!! Well, im off to Egypt tomorrow, so I May be able to post there, (if theres pc's) Sorry for not posting, ill try as much as i can =)
Kaicooper :)(:
hi everyone today its my 140th bday just have a look at my tracker (older
post) by the time u see it ill probally be older but any its a nice day to have
a partys so im making a party at 17:05 chobots time!
Hi Chobots our Citizens have made more toys Check them out.!!!
Hi Chobots im Jordsno1 i will be contributing on this amazing Blog, Hopefully i will fit in nicely...
I would like to Thank Fishalate for making me an author....
If u would like to ask me any Questions leave some Comments at my posts.. :D
Thanks thats all here is a picture of my Chobots
hey cho's
somedays i will not be allowed to go on my computer coz i usually go on alot XD
so somedays i will not e able to post anything but most days i will :D
thnx for understanding XD
hey guys! your new video contest is here! make it with this tittle:
The day I Ate a Moderator/Agent!
Choose a moderator or agen, only one, by a moderator, you can do it on .de and have deli or someone or chobots.com and have deli as one!
Heres a pic you could include in your video!
You have 1 Week! Get started now! also: winner will get somthing like idk about 1,00 bugs or so!
Thanks for reading, leave your video as a comment.
Kaicooper :)(:
Hi im a new poster on this cool blog! i hope you alll like the picture i drew (on another post) if u like me then check out my blog!
maxgeorgeoo7chobots.blogspot.com also heres my tracker!
hi everyone i'm a new author on fishalate's awesome blog XD
i'll try to post regularly about the chobots updates and excitments XD
Hello everyone!
Here is my videos! Also i shall do some contest soon!!!
Ready to Rock:
Its My Life:
Ontop of Old Smokey!
Bohemian Rhapsody:
I got a Jar Of DIRT!:
Crazy Cow Song!: lol
Striped Sweater (epic):
If you like Phineas and Ferb... PERRY THE PLATYPUS:
Thats all!
Cant veiw propally?
Kaicooper :)(:
PS: Contest tomorrow! Getting Jessies permission!
Hi guys, I bought flame shoes recently, they must be the best non citizen item ever! They give you a good amount of speed, and you can wear them with any style! :)
Omg, its soooo cooool! This friday, Chobots team added some realllly cool and awesome suits, masks and new cho-boards! Take a look:(btw im starting to put how much does it cost, if its for girls or boys and if its for cits or non-cits)
Football suit-for cits
-300.ooo bugs(money i mean lolz)
-specially for boys
Cute Elvin Doll Mask- non-cits
- it costs 100.ooo bugs
- speacially for girls, but it can be weared by boys too
o.o Flame Boots(i guess its the most loved item) - non cits
- 12.99$(real money)
- for boys and girls
Pizza Cho-Board xDxDxD - cits
- 4.99$(real money)
- for boys and girls
C.D. Cho-Board - non-cits
- 9.99$(real money)
- for boys and girls
Many cool stuff right? Aren't they awesome?? The Chobots Items are getting better and better everytime!!Soo cool!
YAY!!! I am soo happy cuz chobots team developed today some extra-cool outfits!!!
Hello dear friends! I am the new author on this amazing blog!! Nice to see you! I'll try to post as much I can! :D Here is my traker
Hey,you all know that i had quit chobots for some time..... but i am now back to have more fun and to play chobots.........and chat whit you...if your thinking abouth to quit dont do it,,i dont know what whear on my mind when i has quit. but ok,, i am back and i willl massigge you tomarow!!!!!!!!!
Klarisa :D
Katya710 here :) Just a short post...
Well.. I decided to add 5 extra pnts to everyone in fishgang!
Hello Fishgang! Guess who is back! Its meh! Katya710! Well... Like Fishalate said, This blog is still running but people dont post alot xD And.. Guyz im so sorry i was not posting alot! I got school. I do work and i dont have time to post -.- Now i can post when ever i want to! I'll try posting everyday. Now... Since im back i will start a contest :) A very cool contest. A FUN CONTEST! A question contest. ^_^ I never said it will be cool -.-
1st. 10 pnts.
2nd. 5 pnts.
3rd. 2 pnts.
And if you win, and your not a member of fishgang.. We will add you to fishgang :) and add you extra 10 pnts.
1. Who here is the main owner of fishgang?
A. Katya710 B. Fishalate C. Plutonio
2. What Food do chobots like the most?
A. Pie B. Burgers C. Candy Floss
3. Who Is the main owner on chobots?
A. Canab B. Jessie C. Vayerman
4. Who Was the first ever Agent on chobots?
A. William B. Deli C. Chobot
5. What Game is Popular on chobots?
A. Sweet Battle B. Space Racing C. Chess
So those are the questions. Answer the questions by posting a comment.
Type Your Chobots name then type the answers for the questions.
Good luck!
Hey guys i a back!!!!!!!!! i doesnt massigged you a long time......but from now i hope i will massigge you when ever i can!!!!!!!! XD XD XD
Have a look at the coming soon catalog! looks like some new magic is coming soon! what do you think it will do? any ideas? leave a comment.
Alrighttt its time for new mods! leave your email on this post and I will send you a invite to join the blog if your choosen, I am accepting anyone this time! but you must keep on posting ;) 1 post every 3 days at least.
Hi guys, today I bought the star rain magic, I can rain about 5 or 6 stars at a time a star bloons costs 25 bugs so 5 of them is 125 bugs... not bad huh?
Sorry guys that i didnt massige xou a long time, but my computer whasent working. but i am now back!!!!!!! :D
HI!! im new to FG so ill be posting whenever i can so be sure to look out for new posts. Also, My chobots name is Foghorn but i have a bunch of nicknames.
Guys! I just looked at Jessie's Youtube and saw she will rain C flags and Agent suits at 1000 followers! And at 2000 followers she will rain Citizenship, and Chobot will come to the party! I know theres alot of you who want thoes items so SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!
- Artic288
Do you like the new look of a "chobot" or would you prefer to have the old look back?
Bye Fishgang im quiting this blog coz i never post and yeah wathever bye ill miss you klarisa =(
Update Katya710: Why will you only miss Klarisa? How about Fishalate, Plutonio, Me, and other people in this gang??
Anyway... I WILL MISS YOU. You did great posts! Its not ur fault you did not post alot. :( we will miss you
Guys, anyone know why Fish hasent been on Chobots (Not on for 6 days) or posting here on FG? Its weird. Come 2 think about it, he hasen't been on Skype either. Anyone with furthur information please comment so I can update the post.
- Artic288
Woo! The day is here! FG has posted another 100 times. Good job guys, now that im back in FG I will post more often. :)
Fishy, congradulations this is 1 beasty blog. :)
- Artic288
Check my blog 2! - http://artic288.tk/
Why do no body put posts on fishgang, we need two more posts and then it will be that fishgang had posted 1000 posts!!!!!! Ameising news,but that abouth that no body put posts on fishgang is sad :(.
Yestoday on chobots i lost everything becose there was a problem.but for five min i got everything back!!!!! bye
i will massige you soon
Hey gyus if you can see professor is back at acedamy,and i am back too :D (JK,i never whas gone!)
Important post on kiki_and_ada.tk (my blog) witch would decide if i quit or if i stay.
If i get no comments ill quit
So decide.
This is maybe my last post.
Update from Fishalate: Please don't quit ada, you have done some brillant posts, and you are a good moderater, so please stay.
(By the way, I can't comment as it does not work for me)
Helllo. Katya710 here, Well, Short post ;) In citizens cataloge there are 3 type of wings. :D
Uh um... Lol helllo. I logged into chobots... And look! Heaven gone and sky city back!!! Sky city is back! Sky city was here in beta time. Long time ago ;D And its back!!! 7 servers! :D! Chobots will be really famous soon. Like clubpenguin.. And chobots mgiht get tons of servers! XD lol.
I am back guys!!!!! i didnt massige you a long time becose i had a little problem whit my computer,i will massige you soon.
and i will make a poll!!!!1
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