hey its alas sorry i havnt posted 4 ages i have been really busy anyway how kool is this im on my dsi on internet doing this post! its so cool! i will hopfully post more soon but i might still be a bit busy.

hey its alas sorry i havnt posted 4 ages i have been really busy anyway how kool is this im on my dsi on internet doing this post! its so cool! i will hopfully post more soon but i might still be a bit busy.
I Made this F.G. Header when I Was bored, And the reason I Made it is because the Header right now has people on it that aren't in the gang anymore....
Click to enlarge
Do you like it? Please comment.
Here is a sneak peak of a little treat I have for you... check it out!! (I Blured it to make it harder)Hmm... whats going on here? What could it be about?
Comment on your thoughts!
Thanks to aayush I can now release F.G Version 2 with two sidebars!! Also F.G has had over 200 posts!! this is the 201th
Hi,it is sniker.I really wanth a vayerman flag and i WILL GIVE YOU A CLUB PENGUIN MEMBER ACCAUNT FOR IT.
Here is a picture of that penguin:
The Newest F.G mod is...
Unlike other mods aayush will be looking after the blogs design instead of posting alot of things like other mods, so you might see some changes in the blog.
Message to Ancient you will Temp be a Author while Aayush is changes the blog around. (To prevent the loss of things)
Hi guys, Sorry there hasn't been posts in a while. I Have been busy, Anyways. I Am turning 100 in 5 days! Yay! Heres the party info. :P
Hopefully you guys will come, I Doubt anyone will come.. Oh well. :P
hey eryone loy posted info heres some pics by ancient from pgs sweet party!
there was 4 mods at the start awsome rains and lots more it rained about 50 pg items
and about 20 chlos t shirt thats all!
Hey everyone, Sorry I missed the meeting a few days ago. I Was really busy that day, How did it go? And who all came! Please comment and tell me.
Want to Contact me? (Fishalate) Then send me feedback here. You can find this button in the side bar aswell.~Fishalate
Hi guys. Artic here. Sorry I have not been posting much. I have been busy with my two new blogs - http://www.chobotbloger.blogspot.com/ and http://www.pandandarules.blogspot.com/ but I will be posting on this blog. And please follow my blogs. :)
lol today fishalate got a new glitch its awesome look how u look like when u do it make clones! blue is fredfigglehorn! red is boy!green is ganzy2 (ME):
hiya eryone im gonna do chobot off the day the 1st one is
his a member off this blog his awsome at comment contests he has a lot off stuff its
you can guess the blog he works on
his a great member off the gang posts a lot and would be a good friend, he also was the winner of the recent contest.
thats all
Update From Fishalate:Thanks everyone for following F.G has over 40 followers now! Congratz.
hiya eryone do you want the chat box to look light blue light it does not or a black 1
comment what you think
update:seether said sorry chat re open
sorry eryone im closeing the chat box for a little why cuz seether said bad words on it comment if u want me 2 re open it
Sorry, I Don't know if many of you came. But I forgot it was today. LOL! I Just rememberd right now and is 20:36. :S So I Will reschedualed to tomorro, Here is the info.
Date?: Tomorrow, May 29
Time?: 20:00 chobots time
Server?: Milky-Way
Place?: Classroom
Once again, I Am sorry!
ok guys the winner of the dog contest is.... suoerbryan101 with the entry he did (im destined to be in kiss one day) and he wins!
You could win these:
Who ever Comments the most wins!
Comment like this:
1. (Chobot Name)
2. (Chobot Name)
I will agrange to meet the winner on chobots.
hiya eryone ancient here you all now me from my other blog :D
ive updated the chbox as u can see and im gonna add a awsome music player!
Are New F.G Mod is Ancient. I granted him owner powers here so he can add and improve things on this site, such as the cbox he has made it way better!!
Guyz just wanted to show u my house and wardrobe.....
Have a look
Heres my house!!
The meeting is today! here is the time and info,
Date?: Today
Server?: Vanilla
Place?: Classroom
Time?: 20:00
I Hope to see you all there!
F.G New Followers! Recently F.G Got 3 New Followers 35th, 36th and 37th Congratz!!!
Also: I am on a different computer so I can not use pictures in any of my posts, but I should get my computer back soon.
Okay, Here is the date, time, etc. for the F.G. Meeting
Date?: Thursday, May 28
Server?: Vanilla
Place?: Classroom
Time?: 20:00
Okay, The time will now be from 20:00 between 00:00 because that's when everyone can make it. Now here's a contest I decided to make, These people can't do it: ancient, deliciouzz, loy121, ganzy2, yousef2, and mimorulz, Why can't they do it? Because I was talking about it in the chatroom, and I said the answer. So you guys can't guess! If you do and you get it right you won't get a prize.
So the contest prize is a Carrot, Heres the contest.
What is the longest running TV Show?
first person to get it right wins the carrot!
Today Moon walk was full WoW canab was at agent underground and he did a weird magic
It was a b-day cake with Ninja pets in it !!! Have a look:-
Do u know who is b-day is this comment
Hey Guyz u wont believe it Iam an F.G Mod
Am gonna post much as i can Lol
wooot wooot Iam a Mod
Thanks Fishalate U rock
hey guys im having a contest... the first person to find the answer to this riddle wins a brown boy wig and a smiley face outfit! here is the riddle!
Hello Guys and Gals im having a contest tell me what this dog should think
winner gets 2 bboy shirts!
Hi,it is me sniker.I really WANTH TO KNOW HOW TO WEAR MANY CLOTES ON.If you know how to do that glich please put a comment on this post and THE FIRST PERSON WHO ASNWERS GETS THIS SUIT:
i will try to met that person on chobots so i can give him this gift.
Hi guys i was at the party and i said̡
this cool beachhouse thing now everyone is doing it! just so u know i make alot of these...
email me if u want some
lol from alas
ps tell everyone i made it!
falgo1 is saying i hacked his best friend account and he posted things on his blog and he took this pic:
and here's a proof that raad_642002 is a part of my family and his my best friend:
ok guys sorry for not posting a lot i was studying for exams!
so i'll make a comment contest and the gift is:
so comment like this:
1.(ur name)
2.(ur name)
like that
You'll be glad to know that Fishalate Gang was on Vayermans Blog! Thank you Vayerman for promoting are group :)
hey guys its alas...
sorry i have been really busy latley ...(thinking of ideas for fg) Here is my list...
1. Fishgang fairy suit
2.Fishgang mario and luigi suit
3.fishgang space suit
4. Balloon saying "FG ROCKS! "
5. FG tattoo
Lol thanks alas..
p.s hopefully post soon comment which one is your fave my fave is mario and luigi suit. what do you think?
CHECK IT OUT!! The Badge is awesome!! Depending on the size of the badge its cheaper or higher. The price can be as low as $1.45 for a small Badge. Click Here to choose a Badge.
Update: Also see F.G Products at the bottom of the Page.
I don't think the chobots badges will come...but I have a Better Idea how about a Real F.G Badge! Update: I have had to redesign the Badges a bit but I based them on these.
Check out the designs: Would you like me to make the badges? Comment please I really need some feedback.
It would cost around $2.45 Per Badge so... would you Buy it?
Well, I Was thinking that it would be cool if Chobots made player backgrounds... And then I Thought that it could be like Club Penguin like when you meet rockhopper or somone famous they give you a free background, So then I though that If somone meets a F.G. Mod they could give them a F.G. Background for there playercard. Cool idea, Right? So, I Was thinking of Ideas for a background, And I Made one out of boredom. And I Think it looks pretty cool! Here it is on a playercard.
Thanks for the 16,000 + Views ! |