Alright we got done with the F.G. Meeting about a half an hour ago, And It Lasted about a hour long. So, Now I Need to Explain the Points system, And how to get F.G. Points.
Now, The F.G. Points system is like... You lose a point every time you miss a meeting, Unless you tell me Before hand, And you gain a point every time you make a meeting. So, If you get 20 Points you get a random prize from a F.G. Mod, And at 50 Points you get a carrot, or a mod item.
So, Here are ways to get F.G. Points,
Give Me, Rofroze, Or Fishalate a Gift +3 Points
Be Nice and helpful and help out other members +1 Point
Make a Meeting on time +1 Point
And Here's ways you lose F.G. Points,
Miss a Meeting Without telling a Mod -1 Point
Being mean -1 Point
Begging for items, And asking to Higher Rank in F.G. -2 Points
Being Annoying -1 Point
Now, Here are the members that have earned a point...
Seether - -1 Points
Fishalate - Infinite Points
Rofroze - Infinite Points
Clutch - Infinite Points
monty92 - 11 Points - Fish add to list
rolex - 11 Points - Fish add to list
unni - 11 Points - Fish add to list
djdilzer - 11 Points - Fish add to list
scooby45 - 11 Points - Fish add to list
fano - 11 Points - Fish add to list
chewer - 11 Points - Fish add to list
rene13 - 11 Points - Fish add to list
Deliciouzz - 11 Points
maza - 11 Points
katya710 - 11 Points
devdog - 11 Points
zigzag1994 - 11 Points
loy121 - 11 Points
And, If you get 0 Points, Or Negative points, You will be Suspended for a Tempory time, Or Banned From F.G.
And Sniker is Suspended from F.G. Because he stole Chobot's post from his Blog. Now, Fishalate said that i'm now the Head of F.G. Moderators! And Rofroze is Assist. Head of F.G. Moderators!
Now, Any member that is on the list that didn't make it to the meeting without telling a F.G. Moderator now has 9 Points, Unless it's a F.G. Moderator because F.G. Mods have infinite points.
And The members on the list up there that made it that say Fish add to list, Is I Have made them members of F.G. (Helpers) If you get mixed up of what i'm saying then idk... Members for me means Helpers, Okay? :P
So, This took me 15 minutes to write this post so please give me good credit...
By the way, I Will post the details of next meeting somtime this week, or next week. Because the meeting is weekly! And If The flags get made, We will call a special meeting and pass the flags out to each member, And they might not be tradable... Which will be good! And the members that have missed a meeting without telling a F.G. Mod won't get there flag until a F.G. Mod Thinks it's the right time to give a member a flag.
Wow, This is like I had to write somthing in school... Becuase this is SO long! WOW!!!

1 Reply to "F.G. Meeting!"
Fishalate on 23 May 2009 at 02:24
Great post seeter!
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