Well, I Was thinking that it would be cool if Chobots made player backgrounds... And then I Thought that it could be like Club Penguin like when you meet rockhopper or somone famous they give you a free background, So then I though that If somone meets a F.G. Mod they could give them a F.G. Background for there playercard. Cool idea, Right? So, I Was thinking of Ideas for a background, And I Made one out of boredom. And I Think it looks pretty cool! Here it is on a playercard.
Don't you think this is a good idea? I Think a did a pretty good job on the background. :P

2 Reply to "Awsome Idea"
Potter909 on 23 May 2009 at 00:55
Wow i like the idea and the background looks cool :)
Seether on 23 May 2009 at 07:00
Glad you like!
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