Check out the new button I made! (Hopefully the F.G Mods and I will have this button)The Star- Falling stars will fall from the sky with F.G on them. Lasts 15 Secounds
The Colour Change (Green thing)- The Rooms colour will change. Lasts Until is Turned off by the F.G Mod/Owner
Bloon Rain-Bloons will fall from the sky and chobots will be able to catch them and use them. Lasts 20 Secounds.
Tiny Chobots (Chobot)- This will make all the chobots in a room Tiny. Lasts Until the F.G Mod/Owner Turns it off.
They are some rules about this Magic. So listen up mods if Tina creates the magic for us only use it if there is 2o or more chobots in a room and only use 3 of the magic a day.

2 Reply to "F.G Magic Button"
Seether on 18 May 2009 at 03:42
that would be amazing! We would be begged for rain, magic etc. like go! canab, etc. That would be awsome though!
Puffles on 18 May 2009 at 10:37
Great idea. --Tdawg
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