Sadly we won't be able to have the badges YET but soon Agents will be able to design their on badges to give to other chobots, but the so I will try and give you your badges but please don't make your own badge or that would be cheating.
Also Thanks to Ganzy2 for Telling vayerman about the Fishalate Gang.
That is the sort of thing I expect from F.G Mods.

3 Reply to "Results from Tina."
Seether on 12 May 2009 at 06:06
Aww, Oh well! Whether theres badges, or no badges. Fish Gang is the best gang on chobots!
Artic288 on 12 May 2009 at 06:46
Thank you Ganzy2, Vayerman, Fishalate, and Tinagothic. Without you this could not be possible. But I am sad to say because I am not a agent so I can't get a badge from Chobots.
Fishalate on 12 May 2009 at 07:13
NO!! u don't understand Artic288! Agents can give people Badges! You don't have to be an agent to have one!
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